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Text File  |  1995-01-11  |  13KB  |  176 lines

  1. APTERY.ZIP     196376  08-02-94  Apteryx Lisp v1.0 for Windows. Supports WAV
  2.                                | files, Windows printer drivers and
  3.                                | hexadecimal data type.
  4.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-13-94)
  5. AVIATW16.ZIP   247989  10-09-94  Aviation Converter v1.6 Converts all types of
  6.                                | Aviation Fuel to/from US Gallons, Pounds,
  7.                                | Tons with Metric equivale Weight corrected
  8.                                | for temperature range -40 C Adds and
  9.                                | Subtracts: Hours and Minutes. Calculates
  10.                                | Miles per Gallon with Metric equiv
  11.                                | Temperature: Celsius to/from Fahrenheit. For
  12.                                | Windows 3.1.
  13.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-94)
  14. CALCPD12.ZIP    33867  08-22-94  CalcPad v1.2: Win 3.1+ calculator w/var list,
  15.                                | editableIO fields, etc.
  16.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-05-94)
  17. CLPMAP.ZIP     135005  10-06-94  ClpMap Version 1.5 A World Map Plotting
  18.                                | Program. ClpMap is a Windows application
  19.                                | which provides the user the ability to select
  20.                                | and customize a particular earth view, then
  21.                                | to transport it as clip art to a Windows
  22.                                | drawing or presentation application. Both 2-D
  23.                                | and 3-D projections are supported. Needs data
  24.                                | files clpdt1.zip & clpdt2.zip.
  25.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-29-94)
  26. CLPMON30.ZIP    77283  10-15-94  ClipMono v3.0: MS-Windows utility designed to
  27.                                | capture data to a 2nd monochrome monitor;
  28.                                | 09/08/94; Joseph J. Tamburino.
  29.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-08-94)
  30. CONVERTR.ZIP     4704  10-30-94  Converter - is a simple tool for converting
  31.                                | U.S. weights and measures to their equivalent
  32.                                | Metric values. Requires VBRUN100.
  33.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-08-94)
  34. CUBT104A.ZIP    61041  10-15-94  Cubit Meister v1.04A: MS-Windows DTP utility
  35.                                | that converts decimal and fractional inches,
  36.                                | millimeters/centimeters, picas/points and
  37.                                | points into all the other formats
  38.                                | simultaneously; provides an electronic
  39.                                | Proportion Scale which can calculate
  40.                                | proportions even when different measurement
  41.                                | systems are entered for the "Original" and
  42.                                | "Target" sizes; req VBRUN300.DLL; 08/11/94;
  43.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-11-94)
  44. CV302.ZIP      331367  10-27-94  Convert It! SE 3.0b <ASP> Ultimate unit of
  45.                                | 4easure conversion utility for MS Windows. 15
  46.                                | catagories of conversions with a custom you
  47.                                | set up. You can edit the conversion factors,
  48.                                | add, change or delete units. Turn off the
  49.                                | conversions you don't need. Catagories
  50.                                | include Temperature, Mass, Volume, Time,
  51.                                | Area, Angle and more. Customize it for the
  52.                                | way YOU work. In use by many Fortune 500,
  53.                                | FedGov. and individuals.
  54.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-08-94)
  55. FDDEMO.ZIP    1400569  08-22-94  Self-running demo of Fractal Design's Painter
  56.                                | for Windows.
  57.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-20-94)
  58. FPWR101B.ZIP  1347874  10-13-94  FormPower v1.01b "EZ-Forms" for Windows*3.1
  59.                                | The ultimate visual forms processor! Create,
  60.                                | fill-out (internal), fill-in (pre-printed).
  61.                                | WYSIWYG, multiple open forms, cut/paste,
  62.                                | protected fields/objects, OLE2, more. Great
  63.                                | for basic DTP (desktop publishing) too! Only
  64.                                | $99 incl. 100+ forms! Single, multi, &
  65.                                | network versions available. EZX P&D, Box
  66.                                | 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA
  67.                                | 713-280-9900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
  68.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-94)
  69. HOWOLD4A.ZIP    75828  10-23-94  HOW OLD ARE YA' VERSION 4.0 HOWOLD.ZIP
  70.                                | CALCULATE YOUR AGE IN YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS,
  71.                                | DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES AND SECONDS. ( FILES
  72.                                | INCLUDED: HOWOLD.EXE HOWOLD.HLP INSTALL.WRI
  73.                                | REGISTER.WRI MSAFINX.DLL MSMASKED.VBX
  74.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-03-94)
  75. IC735C.ZIP     172399  08-16-94  V1.0 IC735C computer control for windows.
  76.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-02-94)
  77. ID_NA481.ZIP   482423  10-07-94  ID-Logic AM/FM Simulator for windows.
  78.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-26-94)
  79. ID_SW482.ZIP   509356  09-28-94  ID-Logic SW Simulator for windows.
  80.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-20-94)
  81. INA182.ZIP     350126  09-13-94  I'M NO ACCOUNTANT (TM) Workbooks for EXCEL
  82.                                | 5.0 perform single entry accounting with
  83.                                | dialog based payments, income, and salary
  84.                                | transactions. Transactions may be queried by
  85.                                | account name and/or date range. Account
  86.                                | management, checkbook reconciliation, and
  87.                                | report printing are directed through dialog
  88.                                | screens. Ledger posting is automatic. The
  89.                                | workbooks include comprehensive Windows help
  90.                                | files.
  91.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-04-94)
  92. IWF12.ZIP      503262  11-09-94  Window Image Processing Programmers Tool for
  93.                                | Scientists and Engineers.
  94.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-20-94)
  95. KENTRL43.ZIP   396362  09-26-94  Kenwood computer control V4.3.
  96.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-10-94)
  97. KEYCAL11.ZIP   157895  07-28-94  KeyCalc v1.1: MS-Windows RPN calculator; save
  98.                                | sequences as text for audit and reuse; define
  99.                                | new action words even ones that extend
  100.                                | intrinsic Forth-like compiler; VBRUN300.DLL
  101.                                | req'd; 05/12/94; Stephen Kent Stephenson/
  102.                                | StuPENdous Software.
  103.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-12-94)
  104. LAWJK108.ZIP    40993  09-01-94  Lawyer-Joke-a-Day v1.08: MS-Windows utility
  105.                                | that displays a new lawyer joke every time
  106.                                | you start Windows; req VBRUN300.DLL;
  107.                                | 06/24/94; Richard Wagner/Ivory Tower
  108.                                | Software.
  109.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-24-94)
  110. LAW_JK.ZIP     566378  09-20-94  LAWYER JOKES & QUOTES - WINDOWS - 2.5MB 220
  111.                                | jokes and 550 quotes give you the "Lowdown on
  112.                                | Doctors, Lawyers & Politi- cians." Easy to
  113.                                | use program lets you Add, Edit and Delete.
  114.                                | Written about in many NEWSPAPERS & TRADE
  115.                                | JOURNALS. With Quote-A-Day, Toolbars, Iconic
  116.                                | Subject Menu, Filters, Browser, Word Search,
  117.                                | Context Sensitive Help...Shareware. Requires
  118.                                | Windows 3.1. Unzip; run SetUp.
  119.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-09-94)
  120. MSDN200.ZIP    177397  10-01-94  Freeware MSDN/SoftLib index reader for
  121.                                | Windows 3.x.
  122.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-21-94)
  123. RTNVWN42.ZIP   210180  09-02-94  ROUTENAV FOR WINDOWS Ver. 4.2 is a flight pl
  124.                                | simulators or actual VFR flight. This progra
  125.                                | simulator pilots. RTNVWIN4 includes the foll
  126.                                | flight plan creation, calculates true course,
  127.                                | consumption, wind correction, magnetic variat
  128.                                | This version includes fixes to all known bugs
  129.                                | error), the capability to select only VORs, t
  130.                                | route from the display window, and a navaid d
  131.                                | (ADD NAV). The shareware version is not crip
  132.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-29-94)
  133. SCVS40.ZIP      16324  10-22-94  Super Conversions - is a limited demo of a
  134.                                | Windows utility that provides conversions for
  135.                                | distance. Requires VBRUN300.
  136.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-24-94)
  137. TMPMSTR.ZIP      8695  10-22-94  Temperature Master - lets you easily convert
  138.                                | temperature readings between Celsius and
  139.                                | Fahrenheit, and wind speeds from MPH to
  140.                                | KM/HR. It can also calculate the wind chill
  141.                                | if you enter both temperature and wind speed.
  142.                                | Requires VBRUN300.
  143.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-27-94)
  144. UPCAD394.ZIP   140169  11-01-94  update Cadenza4WinDemo2.04:2-24-93to3-10-94.
  145.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-10-94)
  147.                                | Version 1.10 Released 14 July, 1994. A
  148.                                | MS-Windows 3.x Battery Power Monitor for po
  149.                                | laptop and desktop computers which do not hav
  150.                                | critical feature. Unmistakeably warns if batt
  151.                                | goes to low and critical level. Estimates rem
  152.                                | battery life.
  153.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-15-94)
  154. WCALC10.ZIP    203436  09-19-94  Windows printing financial calculator and
  155.                                | adding machine. Easy to use via keyboard or
  156.                                | with the mouse. User configurable display;
  157.                                | print and save tally roll; full financial
  158.                                | functions and user definable macros for
  159.                                | repetitive tasks.
  160.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-13-94)
  161. WGREP103.ZIP    89778  10-02-94  WGrep v1.03 - stand alone subset of WinFBBS
  162.                                | package - Regular expression searching for
  163.                                | Windows 3.1.
  164.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-09-94)
  165. WNSTR221.ZIP   161724  09-22-94  WinStorm, version 2.21. A hurricane tracking
  166.                                | program written specifically for Microsoft
  167.                                | Windows which can be used to track the
  168.                                | position, intensity and general motion of
  169.                                | active storms. It also provides a complete
  170.                                | historical database of NOAA storm track data
  171.                                | for use in observing seasonal and periodic
  172.                                | trends and patterns.
  173.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-03-94)
  174. XL_CLICK.ZIP    30649  09-19-94  "Double-Clicker" for MS Excel 4.0
  175.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-21-94)